Tuesday 31 May 2011

Day 2 - weight: 83.2kg (13.1 stones) (www.9daydiet.co.uk)

A new day and I woke feeling quite weak, but am still confident that today will work. I have taken my breakfast and just weighed myself. It says to do it every two days, but I was interested to see if I had lost any weight yet.

I have gone from 84.1kg to 83.2kg, which means I have lost nearly 1kg!!!

I am quite happy with that!


I had an hour before dinner that i felt absolutely terrible, very nauseous and wondered if i could stomach drinking the Aloe Vera given its challenging taste. But strangely, after I had dinner, I felt better. So perhaps it was my body telling me that it was time for dinner.

I have not felt hungry most of the day. Occasionally when I think about food, then temptation knocks on the door. But so far I have not had a crumb. I am looking forward to my 600 calorie meal tomorrow. Not sure what to have yet.

On with the show...

Monday 30 May 2011

Clean 9 (see www.9daydiet.co.uk) Day 1 - weight: 84.1kg (13.24 stones)

Today I start my 9 Day Diet

My aim is to lose as much weight as possible!! Before starting this I have already lost some weight but it took a long time and it was very easy to put the weight back on. I would like to get down to my ideal weight of around 12 stone.

Its 9:18am and I have taken the 2 Forever Garcinia Plus capsules, waited 20 minutes and then drank 120ml (4oz) of Aloe Vera Gel + 240ml (8oz) water. It says that I should now do 20 minutes of exercise.... does typing count?

The first two days I am told are the hardest. So far it has been alright, hard to not just grab a piece of fruit! But I will spare you from talking about food, especially if you are doing the diet!

Suppose I best go do 20 minutes excercise. Thinking of doing some jogging on the Wii!!

Its 10:39am

TOP TIP - stay near a toilet!!!
(it must be noted here that this was only my experience, a friend of mine doing the same diet had no such experience, this experience passed after the first day)

Its 12:36pm
I have managed 30 minutes jogging on the Wii Fit plus and have taken my snack of 2 Forever bee pollen tablets with 240ml (8oz) water.

I am looking forward to lunch, especially the milkshake!!

How cruel that Leonie (my wife) was not around to sort the shopping out when it was delivered this morning! (good job we stocked up on toilet roll!)

Its 13:00pm

Milkshake was, erm, interesting! I can definately feel something happening in my body! Feel good so far!

The rest of the day went well, as long as i did'nt look at or think about food, I was fine and did not feel hungry. The hardest part came later in the day when I had some guys over for a video night and they brought LOADS of food. I won't tell you which foods, but lets just say there was a fair range and I struggled a few times but did not eat any of it, even when i was left alone to clear away far too many leftovers!!

So to summarise,

My general hunger was low, my energy was high, as was my motivation and confidence to finish the course.

helpful website(s)
convert kg to stones